
12. Squat depth: ranges and benefits

If you've been reading my stuff for a while, you must be aware of my unconditional love for the squat. The benefits are profound. And there are many ways you can do it. I've broken down how variations of the regular squat can help build your athletic base. But I haven't really analyzed the differences in depth and how they can serve various aspects of sports. Different depth ranges in squats have their benefits and that's what this article is about. I'm not writing this as a competitive powerlifter or as a powerlifting coach. But as a strength coach. That being said, powerlifting will make a few "surprise appearances" in this article. It's inevitable since one of the 3 lifts is the squat. Before we start, let's set this point of reference. A parallel squat or "legal" depth if you're competing, is when the crease of your hip is in line with the top of your knee. Anything below that is considered a deep squat. Some federations won...