About Terry Eleftheriou

I've been training with weights consistently since 2008. Powerlifting since 2010 and competing for over 10. In my first 7 years I had a ton of help. From my beginning gym rat days where I did a more bodybuilding style of training to the 3 powerlifting teams I was part of until end of 2015.

I was never turned down no matter what the question was. And oh boy was I annoying. Always asking what's next and why. How does that exercise compliment this compound? Why are we switching to incline this week? What knee wraps should I get? Which ones do you prefer? How long did it take you to bench this much? Why do you squat so wide? I was relentless.

Never heard no. Never heard man leave me alone. I always got an answer. From the veteran gym bros to the elite athletes and coaches I trained with, I always got an answer. And I'm grateful for that. That's why everytime somebody asks me a question I'll always answer, provided I can give a descent constructive response. I've gotten out of my way to spot, check somebody's form upon request, help with programming, basic nutrition advice, you name it. 

The amount of time I spent in the gym helping others can't really be estimated. From quick pointers during competition to video calls from one continent to another, I was always glad to help. 

I'm an ideologist from that aspect. The Barbell is MY religion. It may seem extreme but I mean it 100%. In this page you will find articles regarding strength training, sometimes with a more personal touch, sometimes "colder" and science based. And other times absolutely obsessive but always tested and proven. 

From the thousands of gym sessions logged, to several years of training alongside national, European and international champions, near crippling injuries and recovery, to the dozens of people I've personally handled, this is my effort in text. 

Welcome to Conjugate Iron.

Terry Eleftheriou 

. Multiple national powerlifting champion.

. Westside Barbell certified strength coach since 2016. 

. 2024 IPL world championship 2nd place 

. 2024 IPL raw European bench press record 

. Author: Conjugate Iron - 2022

. Author: Conjugate Iron 2 - 2025

Biomechanics certified via the London College of Canada 2023.


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